
Fitness Friday...what's new

Saturday 5 miles
Sunday 5 miles
Monday 5 miles
Tuesday 5  miles
Wednesday 5 miles
Thursday 5 miles 
Friday  5 miles
Total this week:: 35 miles
Total in 2011:: 297 miles

What's new is all the things I've been walking with lately.  When I step outside the door I am greeted by the sweet sounds of birds chirping. On my walks I saw bunnies hopping in lots of yards. This is especially motivating because I know warm weather is coming.  The main reason I walk and try to be fit is so I can keep up with our active family in the warm months.  Between biking, hiking, swimming, walking, playing and all the other ways we spend our outdoor time...I need to be able to keep up.  So this week I stepped it up.  I tried to walk faster at the beginning of my walks and walk a bit longer.  Only a few weeks until the warm weather should be here to stay.

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