
Copy Me

Look: The game today came naturally, we played a copying game. I copied Chelsea making animal sounds, dancing and some playing. She copied me with some words, actions and singing. Then we both tried to copy Gavin. In the picture we were all doing "tummy time" with G. We also copied his noises while he was in the exersaucer.
Learn: Copying is fun! It can also turn around the attitude of my one year old quick. She was getting a bit fussy when I started the game, but within a short time she was giggling and enjoying it. I was surprised how quickly she caught on and was copying G and I. Although G didn't really understand, today I noticed how alert he is. He really is starting to pay attention to C.
Love: I loved watching G's face light up when he was playing with C. Its the best feeling and at one point I shed a few happy tears. Being a mom is great and being a mom to siblings is wonderful!

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