
Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Ways to Spend a Rainy Afternoon

 First five are ideas for when the kids are around.  The last five are for an afternoon sans kids.

1. Building forts out of boxes and sheets.
2. In sweat suits, watching a good disney film while eating freshly popped popcorn.
3. Gathering all the dollhouses, farms, fire stations etc and spending hours playing pretend.
4. Baking, baking, baking and taste testing the goods.
5. Wearing jammies,  surrounded by pillows reading book after book of the kids' favorite stories.

Okay, here are the ones for when I am solo
6. Napping,
7. Lighting the fireplace and reading a great book.
8. Yummy soup and catching up on DVR'd shows
9. Reorganizing or getting something off the long to do list
10 Shopping

What is your best way to spend a rainy afternoon?